Monday, December 11, 2006

The real global warming culprits

Worried about global warming? Do you cry when you see a SUV? Do you swoon over Al Gore? Well, then this post isn’t for you. If you want to get down to the real story and identify the true criminals of global warming, then check out this post from foxnews:

Livestock Worse Than Humanity?

A report by the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization says cattle and other livestock cause more greenhouse gases than cars, planes, and all other forms of transportation put together. Britain's Independent News says the report blames cow flatulence and manure for one-third of all methane emissions — which warm the earth 20 times faster than carbon dioxide.
The world's 1.5 billion cows are also blamed for everything from acid rain to desertification and the destruction of coral reefs. And while cows are taking the heat in one U.N. report, another says humans are doing less harm to the environment than previously thought. The Sunday Telegraph says the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has reduced its estimate of human affect on global warming by 25 percent. And it has lowered its prediction of how much sea levels will rise by half. The Panel cites improved data for the revisions.

I have not checked out this report yet, and will comment more when I do, but I felt I still needed to say something.


rageear said...

Here's the report straight from the FAO. Can't find the one from the IPCC...

While I am sure you half-joking by posting this article, I felt the need to comment.

Even if you don't like Al Gore or the whiny liberals blaming all of our problems on global warming, you have to recognize that humans are still having a huge impact on our global climate. If the "estimate of human affect[sic] on global warming" has been reduced by 25%, that means we are still having an impact. This should be motivation enough to not buy that SUV with the poor MPG or to make an increased effort to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Just because some reports are reducing the human impact factor does not give us the right to start driving around in huge gasoline-guzzling cars.

(OK, I'll stop now. Don't want to sound like a the whiny liberals. :)

Mike said...

Let me clarify my position on global warming. I believe it exists and you can quote me on it. There is no doubt the earth is getting warmer. There is no doubt humans are having a negative impact on our environment. However, let me give you a quick ecology lesson: Every species has some negative impact on the environment, every one. Here is where I differ from most; the science as to why the earth is warming is very flimsy. Is this a natural event that occurs every million years? Who knows? How much on an impact do humans have? Who knows? So what really gets me going are (and this is a Mike original) “Chicken Little politicians” who despite the lack of concrete evidence claim the “sky is falling, the sky is falling”. I just do not buy it.

Now, do I think we all should ignore the warning signs? Hello no! Do I think we should all buy SUVs and earth be dammed? Hello no. I am a big fan of sensible conservation, which includes recycling, car pooling, hybrid automobiles, public transportation, and those new light bulbs you like.

What also gets me going is the fact that so many people are so focused on only green house gasses and auto emissions. But to me there is so so so much more going on that is having, again this is my opinion, a much more devastating effect on the planet. To me habitat losses, coastal erosion, declining water quality, poaching, deforestation, and over population, are much worse than green house gasses and will kill us far sooner than global warming.

You do not sound like a whiny liberal. I enjoy discussing things with you as you do not talk down to me like others do. Bring it on!!!

rageear said...

I don't think there is much to discuss, actually.

I agree with you that there are plenty of politicians and other folks in power that will wave the global warming flag in the face of the American public in order to build support for whichever cause they are rallying for this week. I also agree that there are countless other forces at work, contributing to the warming of our climate.

I think people gravitate towards the greenhouse gases and automobile emissions because those two problems are most easily explained to the public. Joe Public can understand that his car emits exhaust and that parts of the exhaust is bad. However, trying to tell Joe Public that if he fills in that wetland behind his house to build an addition to his home will cause huge ecological damage to the surrounding area will most likely be met with a blank stare.

We need to educate the people of this Earth about our impact on the environment at an early age or the continued damage inflicted on the environment, from car emissions, erosion, deforestation, etc, etc, will bring our species to an early demise.