Saturday, December 23, 2006

This is why I pick on the so called “progressive” folk

A man in California set himself on fire to make a protest. But was it a protest to speak out against the war in Iraq? How about the suffering in the third world countries? Was is to rage against the establishment that brought us domestic wiretapping or so called suspension of habeas corpus? I wish it were only that serious.

But no, a grown man set himself ablaze to protest a California school districts decision to change the names of the winter and spring breaks back to Christmas and Easter. Why, why have we become so sensitive of a society that the littlest thing offends us? Why is “Christmas”, or “Santa”, or “Easter” so harsh a word to utter? Why do we think it is necessary to get so upset as to set ourselves on fire because a school district changed the name of a break? Seriously, I just do not get it. What am I missing? Are we that insecure with ourselves that we are upset by the littlest thing? And don’t try that whole “The government should not force religion on us” argument, because it is ridiculous, baseless, and over used. Simple saying Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Easter, or calling something “Easter Break” is not forcing religion on anyone nor is it something to get upset about and if you do, you really have some serious personal issues to deal with. Lighten up (no pun intended) and get over it!,2933,238505,00.html

1 comment:

rageear said...

The only bad part of this story is that the idiot didn't kill himself in the process.