Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Is there no end to the madness?

I know I pick on liberal or progressive values and policies a lot. I know I should be more balanced and watch the conservative or traditional values and policies as well, and I do. However, there seems to be a never ending stream of insanity coming from the left and it appears I have dedicated myself to pointing out the obvious flaws of such insanity.

Both of my rants today come from FOX NEWS’s Brit Hume’s political grapevine Fox News Political grapevine

First, Barney Frank (D-MA) accused the republican party of ethnic cleansing in its post hurricane Katrina reconstruction. He said: "What they (Republicans) recognize is they're in this happy position for them where if the federal government does nothing, Louisiana will become whiter and richer...they get the hurricane to do the ethnic cleansing and their hands are clean."

Where is the media outrage? Why can I only see this on FOX NEWS? I thought the mainstream media was, as it says, unbiased. HA! Practically every media sources characterizes FOX NEWS as right leaning, all the while denying their blatantly obviously own left leanings.

Niger Innis of the Congress of Racial Equality correctly points out that: “that if a Republican had made a similar statement "it would have been on the front page of The New York Times... and Katie Couric would do a special segment on it."”

Mr. Innis, I totally agree. Republicans or conservatives do something bad and we talk about impeachment and scandal, and “there must be justice”. But when a democrat or liberal accuses a group of ethnic cleansing, he gets a free pass or even a standing ovation (hey, we can ignore the $90,000 of marked bills you had in your freezer). I just do not get it. Can someone explain to me what I am missing?

Second, if you know anything about me, you would know I really loath Europe’s entitlement society. Why? Because I feel it promotes selfishness and laziness. Here is a perfect example. A London man died as a result of not receiving medical attention promptly (hey, at least it would have been free, had he lived). Despite being only 5 minutes away, the ambulance took over 20 minutes to get there. What took so long? Traffic? Nope! Ambulance break down? Nope! They were out to lunch and EU law dictates that one is not to be disturb while at lunch, even if a man is dying. Someone please tell me how a society that will let a man die so they can eat a relaxing lunch can, in any way, be labeled a more enlightened or sophisticated one? How is this better?


rageear said...

I have no comment for the subject matter, as I agree that the media is very liberal, but I just checked out the FOX News page for Brit Hume's Special Report:

The man looks like a friggin' zombie!

Anonymous said...

Mike, Mike, Mike

Fair and balanced is OVER. Condi referred the newscasters as her guys.

Too much Kool-aid for you.

Thanks for the opportunity to express myself.

Ganja Meister

Mike said...

Brit does sound and look like a zombie, but I do like his reporting.

I laughed at the Condi FOX News comment. She also acknowledge she liked a CBS anchor, so...

I always welcome peoples comments, kool-aid or not.